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Act today. Get the legal assistance you need.

Our Recent Results

At The Founders Law, we focus on obtaining the outcomes you deserve. We use our vast experience and our wealth of resources to fight for our clients. Through dedicated effort, attention to detail and personalized care, we achieve some of the best possible results.

We have successfully recovered Millions for our clients. 

Our Recent Results Over Six Figures


Car Accident: Moped was rear-ended and our client was hospitalized for his injuries. 


Car Collision: A low impact car accident caused our client traumatic brain injuries. ​


Insurance Denied: Jury verdict after insurance denied to offer our client justly for their injuries. 


Settled in litigation after insurance initially denied for “minor property damage” to our clients vehicle.


Policy Limits recovered for minor read-end collision caused that caused our client an aggravation to his current injuries


Policy Limits recovered for our client sustained injuries to his back and was transported to hospital.


Car Collision: After a near-death collision on the highway, our office was able to recover over $1,000,000 for a no-resident client.


Car Collision: Reckless car collision caused our client to sustain permanent soft tissue injuries to his neck and lower back.


Car Collision: Car collision caused our client soft tissue injuries that required her to undergo surgery.


Truck Accident: Semi-truck rear ended our client which caused injuries to her mid and lower back.

$ 300,000

Car Collision: Client recovered $300,000 days following our representation after being involved in a motor-vehicle accident.


Car Collision: Recovered $250,000 three weeks after a rear-end collision which caused our client to suffer injuries to his neck.


Ride Sharing Car Collision: Uber driver sustained injuries after a driver took a red light and crashed into our client which required him to have surgery to relieve his soft tissue injury to his back.


Ride Sharing Collision: Uber driver recovers over $200,000 after a negligent driver caused permanent injuries to his lower back.


Ride Sharing Collision: Uber passenger sustained soft tissue injuries to their lower back after a rear end car collusion.


Ride Sharing Collision: Uber driver recovered compensation after a car collusion caused injuries to his knee and lower back.


Car Collision: Client recovered for his injuries to his neck and back due to a reckless driver who took a red light.


Car Collision: Client recovered for injuries sustained to his wrist after a car collision left him with permanent soft tissue injuries in his hand.


Ride Sharing Collision: Client recovered for her injuries sustained to her when she was a passenger in an Uber after a negligent driver crashed into the vehicle.


Slip and Fall: Client recovered for injuries sustained at a convenience store which caused her injuries to her back and right leg.


Car Collision: Young passenger recovered from at fault driver insurance for the soft tissue injuries sustained to his neck and back.


Ride Sharing Car Collision: Uber Driver recovered for his injuries that caused him to have a back surgery.


Car Collision: Car collision caused our client injuries to his neck and back after the defendant changed lanes and crashed into our client.


Car Collision: Client recovered full policy limits for injuries he sustained even after insurance initially blamed our client for the accident.


Car Collision: Client recovered full policy limits for injuries sustained to his left knee, back, and shoulder, after his car flipped 3 times due to the negligence of another driver.


Car Collision: Client with multiple priors recovered full policy limits for injuries sustained to his back after a car collision.


Car Collision: Car collision caused client injury to his back and shoulder after a vehicle crashed into him while exiting a shopping center.


Car Collision: Policy limits recovered for client who sustained soft tissue injuries to his upper and lower back.


Policy Limits for Trucking Case left our client injured and underwent major surgery.


Policy Limits for Trucking Case that left our client with permanent injuries to his neck and back.


Collision that left our client with permanent injuries to his neck and back


Slip and Fall on Premise that caused lower back injury


After collision left our client with a fractured hand


Rear end collision


Collision that left our client that with permanent injury to his neck, back and right knee




Collision required our client to get a Radiofrequency Ablation to his lumbar.