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The dangers of driving with pets

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2020 | Car Accidents |

People who enjoy the loyal companionship of a beloved pet in Florida may like traveling with their animal. While it is common for people to bring their pets along to accompany them on a drive, unrestrained animals may create a significant hazard.

Protecting their animal without compromising their own safety or that of other motorists requires all pet owners to practice vigilance in preparing to travel with an animal.

A cute distraction

Many people may fail to recognize just how prevalent of a distraction it is to ride with a pet. According to the AAA Exchange, over half of the participants in a survey sponsored by AAA Exchange admitted to engaging in at least one distracting behavior related to their pet while driving. Some of the behaviors these pet owners admitted to included petting their animals, feeding their animals and riding with their pet on their lap. Others said they would play with their pet while driving.

A barrier for protection

One solution people may consider according to the Road Show by CNET is the installation of a barrier. It may surprise some people just how accessible and helpful a pet barrier is for traveling with animals.

People who have a specific place for their animals to rest while traveling may avoid the distraction that comes with driving with a mobile animal. Less concern about their pets squeezing between seats or jumping onto their lap may enable people to stay focused on driving. Additionally, pet owners can have the peace of mind that accompanies the knowledge that their animals are safely secured which may protect their well-being in the event of an accident.

