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What are common dangerous driving habits that lead to crashes?

On Behalf of | Jun 26, 2020 | Car Accidents |

Most bad habits simply waste time or annoy other people. Blowing bubbles with and popping your gum loudly, for example, may cause your co-workers to think you’re unprofessional and annoy them but won’t have many other real-world consequences.

Being so addicted to your phone and seeing your social media feed that you can’t ignore a notification ping while driving, on the other hand, could be a bad habit that could have severe or even fatal consequences for you and other people.

Knowing some of the worst driving habits can help you avoid them or actively quit engaging in them. Better driving habits can reduce your risk of a serious car crash.

You shouldn’t drive when you’re drunk or on drugs

It may seem like the most common sense statement, but avoiding impaired driving is safety critical. Too many adults think that their tolerance for certain drugs or alcohol makes it safer for them to drive while under the influence. No matter how old you are or how many times you try a substance, if it affects your cognition, you should not get behind the wheel after taking it.

You shouldn’t look at or handle your mobile phone

Distraction is a major cause of crashes, and digital distraction is one of the most common culprits. Putting down your phone is a good step, but you should also avoid doing other things like grooming yourself or eating while driving in order to stay focused.

You shouldn’t drive over the speed limit, especially in bad weather

Speeding is arguably the most common legal infraction people commit. Almost everyone speeds, and many people do so habitually. Just because you don’t always get ticketed doesn’t mean it’s safe to speed.

When the weather is bad, speeding can be particularly dangerous. It is best to stay off the roads during inclement weather. If you have to drive during a storm, you should go as slow as possible and give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination.

Don’t let your emotions get the better of you

Whether you’ve been talking with your passenger or infuriated by someone’s attempts to cut you off, emotions control you while driving. Giving in to road rage could cause you to drive aggressively and result in your causing a crash because of your emotional reaction.

Staying calm, remaining focused and driving at a safe speed for the current road conditions are all ways to help you be safer on the streets.

